22.01.2017 в 10:10
читать дальшедобрался чудом до работы. выпил капучино, грызу тёмную шоколадку и развлекаюсь в духе "что угодно, лишь бы не клонило в сон"
..набрёл тут на древнюю забаву.
и окей как перестать орать-то теперь
особенно ору потому, что хохмы ради вбил имя ветра и двойную фамилию. just don't ask
Your original Gallifreyan name is Rullnixyonrelflordrex, or Rullnix for short. Back on Gallifrey, you led a dull and uninteresting life, working as a TARDIS programmer, specialising in Architectural Configuration – but now, you travel Time and Space in search of adventure!
Your Type 58 TARDIS is currently stuck in disguise as a Grecian column, and your latest travelling companion is an unexpectedly 'humanised' and reformed Dalek, who is having to fight occasional extermination urges.
Get your own time lord name from the time lord name generator!
URL записиУржалась я с этой записи, а потом и сама рискнула.
Не. Далека в напарники мне не дали.
Зато дали Дэна.)))
You are the Renegade Time Lord known as:
The OptimistYour original Gallifreyan name is Kliaviathenemuncharkorrupsa, or Kliavia for short.
Back on Gallifrey, you led a dull and uninteresting life, working as a Lecturer in Shadow Physics at the Patrexe College – but now, you travel Time and Space in search of adventure!
Your Type 46 TARDIS is currently stuck in disguise as an IKEA-made cupboard, and your latest travelling companion is a modern-day teenager who only knows about life via the internet, and is soon learning the truth the hard way...
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