22.01.2017 в 10:10
Пишет  Chris_[ExH].dso:

читать дальше

Уржалась я с этой записи, а потом и сама рискнула.
Не. Далека в напарники мне не дали.
Зато дали Дэна.)))

You are the Renegade Time Lord known as:
The Optimist
Your original Gallifreyan name is Kliaviathenemuncharkorrupsa, or Kliavia for short.
Back on Gallifrey, you led a dull and uninteresting life, working as a Lecturer in Shadow Physics at the Patrexe College – but now, you travel Time and Space in search of adventure!
Your Type 46 TARDIS is currently stuck in disguise as an IKEA-made cupboard, and your latest travelling companion is a modern-day teenager who only knows about life via the internet, and is soon learning the truth the hard way...

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